Sunday, 22 December 2019

How (not) to tackle antisemitism in the Age of Boris

My latest at Patheos

God on your side

The rabbinic leader of the UK’s Sephardi community, Rabbi Joseph Dweck, had his own take on the outcome of the election, telling the Jerusalem Post: “I believe that it was a divinely inspired result”.
Was the rabbi being ‘tongue in cheek’ when he said this? I sincerely hope so. Otherwise it begs too many painful questions about God’s lacklustre performance in Jewish affairs. Personally, I find it difficult to believe that the Almighty was at work in Blyth Valley but not at Buchenwald.

Read the full post at Patheos 

Saturday, 7 December 2019

Archbishop Justin, you need some new Jewish friends


Following the Archbishop of Canterbury's support for the Chief Rabbi's condemnation of Labour; and the publication of the Church of England's new landmark report on antisemitism in the Church, I suggest to Archbishop Justin that he needs to find some new Jewish friends that will better help him to navigate Israel/Palestine as well as understand the uses and abuses of #antisemitism.

This is the final part of my trilogy of General Election commentary.


"It made me wonder though, does the Church of England have a bigger problem with antisemitism than the Labour Party? After all, I’ve seen and heard over the years how hymns, liturgy, scripture, and teaching can still create a ‘hostile environment’ for even the most sympathetic Jew who happens to be present. However, I’ve never felt the need to call for a boycott of the Church of England, or for the Archbishop of Canterbury to be condemned for a failure of leadership or held personally accountable for enabling a tradition of antisemitism. Instead, I welcome the efforts that have been made over the decades to address the problem and build reconciliation. I wonder why the same generosity of spirit has not been applied by the Chief Rabbi to the Labour Party considering the action it has taken in just a few months? Am I so wrong to think that a bigger political agenda could be at play?"

Read full letter at Patheos