
Wednesday 21 July 2021

Why we need Jewish flavoured BDS Ice Cream

My latest blog post: WHY WE NEED JEWISH FLAVOURED BDS ICE CREAM (including free recipe for how to make it!)

Read it here


"The good news for the rising generation is that once you scrape off the veneer of 21st century Zionism, it’s not that difficult to reframe Judaism and Jewish identity as pro-BDS. After all, Judaism talks unswervingly, incessantly, and unendingly about justice. Our obligations towards the ‘stranger’ the ‘widow’ the ‘orphan’, those most vulnerable, marginalised and powerless within society, have been placed front and centre of Jewish concern for millennia. It’s all there, it stares us in the face, it calls out to us, it makes demands of us. Or at least it used to. And it can do again."